Keyboard Shortcuts

These are some useful shortcuts for the editor.

Key Binding Description
F2 Opens the New Class Wizard filling it with the text selection
F3 If the selected text corresponds to a class name or resource, it is opened in the predefined workspaces' editor. Url's starting with http like "" will be opened using the internal browser.
Ctrl + / Enclose the selection inside an xml comment tag
Ctrl + 1 Presents a list of actions to execute on the current tag
Ctrl + Shift + C Clears errors and warnings in the current editor.
Ctrl + Shift + F Code Formatting
Ctrl + Shift + UP Positions the cursor in the previous sibling tag. If the current tag doesn't have a previous sibling It'll position the cursor in the parent tag
Ctrl + Shift + DOWN Positions the cursor in the next sibling tag. If the current tag doesn't have a next sibling It'll position the cursor in the parent tag
Alt + Shift + R Presents the rename dialog allowing to rename the selecte tag, all tags with the same name inside the parent tag or all the tags with the same name in the file.

There are many other shortcuts available which are part of the Eclipse platform. You can see them all going to Window->Preferences->General->Keys.