Java Configuration

Through this configuration page it is possible to change several settings on the java integration.

  • Severity: Defines the level of severity used to report class names referring to missing classes. If severity is set to ignore no validation will be performed to find missing class names references.
  • Validation and content assist [...]: By default this checkbox is disabled meaning all attribute values and tag bodies can have as possible values a class name.
    If this checkbox is enabled class names will be proposed by content assist and validated only for those tag bodies and tag attributes defined in the lower tables.
  • Attributes Table: If the previous checkbox is enabled here is where should be configured which Attribute Name inside of which Target Tag could have as value a class name. A third column defines for each attribute which class/interface should extend/implement the values written. Set this value to * to allow any class.
  • Tags Table: If the previous checkbox is enabled here is where should be configured which Tag Name's body could have as value a class name. A second column defines for each tag which class/interface should extend/implement the values written. Set this value to * to allow any class.